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Journal and Newsletter
Journal Index
Hypertext Housman
I. Loveliest of trees
VII. When smoke stood up from Ludlow
XIII. When I was one-and-twenty
XVII. Twice a week the winter thorough
XVIII. Oh, when I was in love with you
XIX. To An Athlete Dying Young
XXI. Bredon Hill
XXVII. Is my team ploughing
XXXI. On Wenlock Edge the wood’s in trouble
XXXVII. As through the wild green hills of Wyre
XXXVIII. The winds out of the west land blow
XL. Into my heart on air that kills
XLI. In my own shire, if I was sad
L. In valleys of springs of rivers
LII. Far in a western brookland
LIV. With rue my heart is laden
LV. Westward on the high-hilled plains
LXII. Terence, this is stupid stuff
LXIII. I hoed and trenched and weeded
The Housman Society
Appreciating the Life and Works of Alfred Edward Housman